Articles of Interest
Here you will find numerous articles on a variety of topics. They are listed alphabetically by topic. If you want to search for a particular topic, try using the Find option (CTRL-F) on your browsers edit menu, or use our site search (left above this paragraph).
[A-E] [F-J] [K-Q] [R-T] [U-Z]Additional articles can be found in the Clann Tartan Newsletter.
- Aimed Small Arms Fire: 1580-1650 - Glenn McDavid
- An Ancestors Letter - Judy Byers
- Armor: Its use and disuse in Europe c. 1630 AD - Glenn McDavid
- The Army of Gustavus Adolphus
- The Belted Plaid: Its Social Status before 1700 - Glenn McDavid
- Cavalry Tactics: The end of the Caracole and the revival of Cold Steel - Glenn McDavid
- Celtic Warfare - C. Knutson
- Charms and Talismans - Retired Sargent MacGregor
- Clann Cockade (or "We don't need no Stinking Badges!"); - James Kuehl
- Cold Weather Gear - David Vavreck
- Cold Weather Gear part 2 - Womens - David Vavreck
- Duties of Military Offices
- Early Scottish Firearms - C. Knutson
- Elizabethan Military Medicine - C. Knutson
- Fire & Hearth - by C. Lamphear
- The Regimental Flower Garden - Maeve Kane
- Gustavus Adolphus A word about the man.
- Some Historical Source Documents.
- The History of the Sappers - E. Nelson
- The History of the Fork - Robert (MacNie) Portinga
- Infantry Pay Rates in the Army of Gustavus Adolphus - Glenn McDavid
- The Life of an Herbwife in 1630 Scotland - Mary McKinley
- Matchlocks - C. Knutson
- People and Places in Playford - David Vavreck
- Primer on 1640 and Interactive quiz - Eric Ferguson
- Re-Enactment 101 - Summary by K. Garland
- Religion in the Scottish Highlands: 1600-1650 - Glenn McDavid
- The Scottish Army in the Early Phases of the British Civil Wars - Glenn McDavid
- Seventeenth Century Scottish Music - David Vavreck
- Seventeenth Century Shoes - David Vavreck
- So You’ve Turned to the Plaid Side: How to Avoid Culture Shock at Your First Event - Maeve Kane
- Spectacles in the 17th Century - David Vavreck
- The Stockings of the Common Man, His Wife and Children - Maeve Kane
- Swords - Joe (the) Smith
- Swords in the Devil's hand: The Myth and the Evidence: - Glenn McDavid
- The Thirty Years War - Professor Gerhard Rempel
- Timeline of the Thirty Years War - Eric Ferguson
- The Well-Trimmed Toe: On Making a Shoe Rose - Maeve Kane
- Why an Irish Gown? - Glenn McDavid
- Polish Winged Hussars against Pikemen - Glenn McDavid
- Witch Trials - C. Knutson
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