Frequently Asked Questions
Below are some of the more Frequently Asked Questions asked by newer and potential members of Clann Tartan. If there are any questions you may have that remain unanswered, please feel free to contact one of our members to get more information.
Do I have to be Scottish?
Do I have to perform?
Are there auditions?
What if I don't want to portray a soldier?
Will I get Paid?
Must I pay dues?
Is it expensive to get started?
Where do you get your clothing?
Are children/minors allowed to join?
Where do you meet?
Must I do a lot of studying?
What is Clann Tartan's philosophy?
Do I have to be Scottish?
No! Although most Clann Tartan members have some Scottish heritage.
Do I have to perform?
No, there is no performance requirement. We are as much a social group as we are a reenactment group. We welcome anyone who wishes to learn more about history and what we do to recreate it. We meet on a regular basis to learn about dance, music, sword and weapons handling and much more! Check out the Events Center to find out when the next event is planned!
Are there auditions?
No, but a some performing skills or an ability to talk to people does help a little if you plan to appear with us. It's difficult to teach Living History without holding the public's attention. We DO have requirements regarding historical clothing and equipment. You'll need to get a copy of the Clann Tartan manual and start learning some of the history of the period.
What if I don't want to portray a soldier?
That's OK! One of the differences between Clann Tartan and other reenactment groups is that we encourage our members to portray the local Scottish people, or camp followers, who supply and outfit the regimental camp. However, members are expected to have at least a cursory working knowledge of all aspects of our reenactment so you will be able to interpret the events of our camp for visitors.
Will I get Paid?
No, we are a non-profit organization. We do, whenever possible, obtain payments for our appearances to cover the expenses. All money earned by Clann Tartan goes into our group resources. Clann Tartan does feed it's members at events, reimburses for group expenses and pays mileage if you carpool or transport corporate equipment. We do encourage members to learn or practice period crafts which may be demonstrated and sold to the public, both as a way to earn money and add to our overall experience.
Must I pay dues?
Yes. Annual dues are $20 US. The dues are used to cover the cost of the monthly newsletter. All members are required to purchase a copy of the Clann Tartan Manual for $16.
Is it expensive to get started?
Some reenactment groups can cost up to $1,000 to buy uniforms and equipment. To participate with us all you need is proper clothing. The basics can cost as little as $100, and the price can go down from there with a little bargain hunting, or your own sewing. We are a very friendly group, and often for your first event or two you can find someone willing to loan you clothing that will get you started.
Where do you get your clothing?
Most of our period clothing we produce ourselves, and there are several patterns available from our Clann library. Many members are willing to teach their craft, or sell or barter for items you need. Senior members usually have items for sale that they have out-grown or replaced.
Are children/minors allowed to join?
Yes, the members of Clann Tartan are very much like an extended family. And while we portray a military camp, the camp followers would have had children running about, helping with chores etc. Teens are welcome to join as an Active member with parental permission. Many schools also give credit to the older children when they participate in our demonstrations.
Where do you meet?
There are meetings of one form or another almost every week in members' homes, community centers and public parks. Clann Tartan members also meets socially for dining and socializing on a regular basis. Be sure to check the events center for any scheduled events.
Must I do a lot of studying?
We realize that not everybody has time to study the intricacies of history, so almost everything you'll need to know is in our Clann Manual. Many topics are covered at our social gatherings as well. Our members have written articles in our newsletter, and produced cookbooks and musical books, as well as compiled a library on our period of reenactment.
What is Clann Tartan's philosophy?
We keep the living history experience as accessible as possible for participants as well as the public. The idea is to blur the line between participant and observer, providing a high quality educational experience as well as helping recruit new members. This is achieved through hands-on crafts, dance, music and even dressing a patron in period clothing.
Members have the opportunity to experience all aspects of what we do from firing a matchlock musket to spinning wool, from cooking a period meal over an open fire it to hauling water and washing pats and pans.
We try to minimize costs for new members as much as possible through:
- Flexibility in clothing requirements. Not all members need military uniforms, and a great kilt is simple.
- Clann Tartan owned equipment No need to purchase pikes, muskets, we even have tents for new members to borrow.
- Meals are provided to Active members at events. There is no need to purchase food or cooking items.