Sample Newsletter
We put out a monthly member newsletter to keep members apprised of events, meetings, and social activities. This is a sample:
pp 124 - 125
Next we have sweet chestnuts, which are so beneficial to mankind, but which you do not have here. They are good to eat raw or cooked, but cooked is best.
We roast chestnuts in a perforated dish over the fire and leave them for a while under hot ashes. Then we clean and peel them and eat them with salt and pepper.
11988 Faribault Blvd. Dundas, MN
Sword - Not active at this time.Dance - The Dance Guild gathers twice a month from 7PM-9PM to learn and practice historic Scottish country dances. Dance will meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at Saint Christopher's Episcopal Church, 2300 N Hamline Ave. in Roseville.It is at the northeast corner of Highway 36 and Hamline Avenue (Hamline is between Snelling and Lexington). The church is actually encircled by the highway entrance ramp.
Music-We will sing and play music of many styles and places from our period. Bring your voice and/or your instrument(s). Neither need be period correct. The Yoders have graciously offered to host music once a month. We will meet at their house at 4736 12th Ave S, Minneapolis, from 6-8pm the 1st Thursday of each month. To contact the Yoders, call 612-825-4519 or email to Julieyoder at juno dot com.To contact your Music Chair, call David at 612-353-1237 or email to baethan1630 at yahoo dot com. Thanks, and I look forward to making some noise with y'all! - DavidWe have a yahoo groups email list for the guild that we use for reminders about the meetings and topical discussions. If you want to be on the email list, request an invitation to join from Bruce at bruceyoder at juno dot com.
Board Members
President David Vavreck 612-353-1237 baethan1630 at yahoo dot com
Secretary Laura Swenson 715-497-9792 needlesandpins1630 at gmail dot com
Treasurer Bruce Yoder 612-825-4519 bruceyoder at juno dot com
Staff Members
Chief of Staff Vacant
Captain David Vavreck 612-353-1237
baethan1630 at yahoo dot com
Lieutenant Vacant
Corporal Justin Hohn & Carl Swenson715-684-4221
act_history at hotmail dot com
Head Camp Follower Laura Swenson 715-497-9792 cell
needlesandpins1630 at gmail dot com
Assistant Head Camp Follower Vacant
Goodwife Ann Peters
David Vavreck 612-353-1237 Baethan1630 at yahoo dot com
Two Panther Primitives canvas tents continue to be for sale! Joseph Croft of Celtic Croft writes that they don't do any reenactment events anymore, and they are switching over to modern style metal-frame tents. So, it's time for our canvas tents to go.
12'x12' Panther Primitives Marquis
Made with Panther Primitives heaviest canvas (13 oz. Sunforger With Flame Retardant). Includes tent and walls, 12' sun-porch fly, ridge poles and uprights, and several 6' poles for the fly. Perimeter poles (7 foot), ropes, and stakes are not included (but fully compatible with those included with the 24'). The tent is in excellent condition, and 2 of the walls are in excellent condition — normal dirt and wear and tear for a gently-used festival tent. The 3rd and 4th walls have some mold stains because our shed unfortunately leaked a couple winters ago. I'm guessing it can be bleached in an industrial-size washing machine, but I'm uncertain about restoring the water-proofing after going through the wash. The mold-stained walls are perfectly functional, just ugly. We had the tent set-up last summer for a backyard party. No holes, and it's still waterproof. It would make an excellent camp or kitchen tent. The tent is about 15 years old, but was really only used for 5 seasons before we replaced it with a larger tent and put it in storage. It's been up about once a year for small events. I'd like to get $200 for it.
Custom 24' Panther Primitives Tall Marquis
Made with Panther Primitives heaviest canvas (13 oz. Sunforger With Flame Retardant). Only 4 years old. Original invoice available on request. Really big and really nice. Still looks nearly new. We weathered the storm a couple years ago at the Minnesota Scottish Festival & Highland Games, and suffered very minor damage. We lost a couple of the little brass hooks at the top of a couple of wall sections, and a couple of string ties. We had some minor tearing in the four corners, but we repaired and reinforced the corners with matching canvas from Panther Primitives. It looks great and is now stronger than new.
We paid $2500 for the tent, walls, and ridge poles. I would like to get $1000, which will include all perimeter poles, ropes, and stakes — the complete package needed to setup the tent.
Please email me at
or call our office number (763-569-4373), if interested in either one of these tents.
Joseph Croft
Reasonably priced, accurate 17th century shoes, boots, and other leather items, are available from member Pegeen Rozeske. 218-491-5036
Want to quit smoking? Lose weight? Sleep better? Deal with other issues? Your good Auntie/Cousin Mairi has opened her hypnotism clinic! For more information or to schedule a session, contact me at Mairi2 at juno dot com, or via cell at 651-307-2977. I look forward to working with you! Mary McKinley
The group has a policy for the reimbursement of fuel expenses for travel to shows and for payment for hauling the trailer to and from shows.
Personal reimbursement of fuel expenses: Members can request reimbursement for fuel for travel to and from shows. Everyone is eligible for this although the board requests that you only make the request if it is necessary. If everyone who attended a show also requested reimbursement, the total payout could exceed the stipend that the group received. The procedure is as follows: at the start of your journey, fill your tank and note the odometer reading on the receipt. Upon your return home after the event, fill your tank again and record your odometer reading again. This receipt along with any other fuel purchases made enroute represents the fuel used for the trip and the total is the amount to be reimbursed. Send the receipts along with your name and address to the Treasurer. Remember, please don't request reimbursement unless it is necessary, but it is better for you to attend and get reimbursed than for you to stay home because of financial considerations.
Payment policy for hauling the trailer: Because hauling the trailer or a substantial amount of gear can be hard on your vehicle and requires you to perform additional work for the company, we have a different payment policy for hauling. If you haul the trailer, the payment is $.48 per mile from the garage to the event and back to the garage. If you use your own vehicle to haul substantial company equipment from the garage to the event, the payment rate is $.24 per mile. Submit a request stating the number of miles you drove and send it to the group treasurer.
My address is 4736 12th Ave S Minneapolis MN 55407WANTED: SUBMISSIONS FOR THE NEWSLETTER
Items you can submit include research articles, character sketches, and other items pertaining to living history and Scottish Culture. Email your items in either plain text, or MS Word format to Laura Swenson at needlesandpins1630 at gmail dot com or snail mail to her address at 615 Willow St. Baldwin, WI 54002.
Items must be received by the 15th of each month to be considered for inclusion for the upcoming months issue. Mailed submissions will not be returned unless requested. All pertinent submissions will be considered as space permits. All research articles must reference at least three sources. Submissions may be broken in multiple parts.
Our garage is located at 4352 Nicollet Ave S in Minneapolis. Access is in the alley on the west side of Nicollet. South bay of the double garage. Minor problems or issues should be reported to Bruce. In the event of an emergency, the landlord is Brad at 763-670-9200